Resolve neighbourhood noise issues

Before taking formal steps to complain about noise, you should attempt to contact your residential neighbour or local business to work towards an appropriate solution.

You’ll need to complete a noise diary for 10 days before contacting us

Project Status: When you need to do this

If you are affected by noise from neighbouring properties, such as amplified music, musical instruments, animals, power tools, other domestic equipment or commercial operations.

You will need to complete a noise diary for 10 days before contacting us so we can investigate ongoing impacts.

Entertainment noise from licensed premises

Licensed premises include pubs, clubs, small bars, restaurants, cafes and other entertainment venues that supply and sell alcohol.

From 1 July 2024, complaints about entertainment noise from licensed premises need to be reported to Liquor & Gaming NSW. Follow the steps to resolve your concerns.

City of Sydney

GPO Box 1591 Sydney 2001 phone number

[email protected] Copy email address Copied! Failed!

What you need to do

Try to resolve the problem through mediation

Contact the Community Justice Centre

Complete a noise diary and contact us

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For after hours complaints

Noise complaints made after hours are referred to our rangers who aim to follow them up as soon as possible. If the situation is complex and difficult to fix, rangers will refer the complaint on for a more thorough investigation.

Before you start

If you’re affected by offensive noise, you can also seek a noise abatement order yourself. By acting independently of the City of Sydney you can lodge your own evidence of the noise impact.

Visit the NSW EPA website for more details.

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NSW Environment Protection Authority also has a range of resources available for dealing with noise, whether your complaint relates to your neighbours, alarms or motor vehicles.

Strata schemes

The Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 sets out a process for resolving disputes. This includes mediation and formal orders by the strata schemes adjudicator and/or the residential tribunal.

Under the act, each strata must have a set of by-laws. The model by-law concerning noise provides that “an owner or occupier must not make noise at any time within their lot or on common property that is likely to disturb peaceful enjoyment of another resident or anyone using common property”.

The best approach for resolving a noise dispute within a strata scheme is to try to talk to your neighbour first.

You can speak to the owners corporation or the residential tribunal if that isn’t successful.

If the noise continues, you can apply for mediation through the NSW Department of Fair Trading.

Only if you are unable to resolve the matter with these steps should you then contact us.

Time restrictions for various noise sources