Registration Fees

There are a variety of fees that may be required when applying for or renewing vehicle registration.

Determining Fees

Registration fees are based on:

You will likely have to pay the following fees if your vehicle is registered for on-highway use:

DMV Fee Calculators

To help people plan for registration-related fees, DMV provides vehicle registration fee calculators.

These fee calculators can help you:

Your estimate will vary depending on the information you enter.

All fees may change depending on the law.

California Highway Patrol (CHP) Fees (VC §§9250.8, 9250.13, 9552–9554)

Fee typeFee Amount
Late penalties for original:
One year or less$32
More than one year up to (and including) two years$54
More than two years$100
Late penalties for renewal:
1 to 10 days$10
11 to 30 days$15
31 days up to (and including) one year$32
More than one year up to (and including) two years$54
More than two years$100